Arabic Language

الْبَيْتُ الْمَسْكُونُ

الْبَيْتُ الْمَسْكُونُ This is an Arabic short story for beginners, namely for non-Arabs. It is taken from a book entitled…

3 years ago

ثَوْبُ الأَذْكِيَاءِ

ثَوْبُ الأَذْكِيَاءِ This is an Arabic short story for beginners, namely for non-Arabs. It is taken from a book entitled…

3 years ago

بِدَايَةٌ قَوِيَّةٌ مِنْ مُحَمَّد صَلَاح

This is article 9 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…

4 years ago

رُوسِيَا وَتَسْمِيمِ نَافَالنِي

This is article 8 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…

4 years ago

فَتْحُ مَطَارُ المَلِكَةِ عَلْيَاءَ بَعْدَ سِتَّةِ أَشْهُرٍ مِنَ الإِغْلَاق

This is article 7 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…

4 years ago

الْأَمِيرُ الْحَادِي وَالْخَمْسُونَ

َالْأَمِيرُ الْحَادِي وَالْخَمْسُون This is an Arabic short story for beginners, namely for non-Arabs. It is taken from a series…

4 years ago

كُورُونَا فِي الوِلَايَاتِ المُتَّحِدَةِ الأَمْرِيكِيَّةِ

This is article 6 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…

4 years ago

الجُوعُ وَفَيْرُوسُ كُورُونَا يَقْتُلَانِ أَطْفَالَ اليَمَنِ

This is article 5 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…

4 years ago

بَطـــَــلُ أَثِينـــَــا

بَطـــَــلُ أَثِينـــَــا This is an Arabic short story for foreigners / for non-Arabs. It is taken from a series of…

4 years ago

Vowels in Arabic

Vowels in Arabic Vowels in Arabic are called harakat حَرَكَات, the singular of which is haraka حَرَكَة. Fortunately for the…

4 years ago